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15s WHITE MIDWEST (2028)

#2 Makayla Thao
5'6" | OH
Valley New High School

#3 McKenna Muelemans
5'2" | Lib/DS
Freedom High School

#6 Tani Bui
5'3" | Lib/DS
Appleton North High School

#7 Paige Gilson
5'6" | Lib/DS
Notre Dame High School

#8 Bronwyn Reilly
Height | Lib/DS
Neenah High School

#9 Jozie Kampo
5'6" | S/DS
Winneconne High School

#10 Ava Gronke
5'9" | MB
Kaukauna High School

#11 Kaycee Williams
5'3" | OH/S
Oshkosh West High School

#26 Aleiah Clark
5'7" | OH/RS
Oshkosh West High School

#27 Molly Scherer
5'7" | RS
Xavier High School

#28 Mattalin Maxwell
5'7" | OH/MB/DS
Oshkosh North High School

Olivia Krepline
Head Coach
College Coaches, please contact Kim Falkenhagen at or​ via Twitter X
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