
Please join our Team Snap Coaches Page through the email link invitation.
This will allow us to give you rights to your teams page on Team Snap so you can message your team and keep track of schedules.

AAU MEMBERSHIPS (Due Immediately)
Each staff member working with kids, each player and bench personnel must have an American Athletic Union Membership Card for the season and any AAU Sanctioned event.
Complete this Mandatory Membership as a Blaze Coach
Visit the AAU website https://play.aausports.org/login.aspx
Select non-athlete adult option
Select "Extended" for Coverage
Select "$57 Current Membership Year" for the Term
Select Wisconsin Blaze as your club of choice (RSXD7TT5)
Turn in your receipt to accounting@blaze365.com for reimbursement due before April 1st of current season
Each player and bench personnel must have an AAU Membership Card for the season and any AAU Sanctioned event. For information on getting your AAU Cards and submitting AAU rosters please navigate to the tournament home-page.
Complete this Mandatory Fellowship of Christian Athletes 3D Certification Online
Create an account at 3dinstitute.com/enroll
Register for the course using the Blaze group code VBBB-0009
Complete each module of the course before your first practice
Once you complete all courses of the Sports: 3D Coaching Course Certification, email the HR Director your certification of completion
As you are aware, all three NCAA divisions adopted an interim policy suspending previous name, image and likeness rules as of July 1. The NCAA will continue working with Congress to develop an NIL approach that provides the uniformity and detail individuals and schools deserve. Though the current legal and legislative environment prevents a permanent solution at this time, the interim policy provides immediate access for individuals in states without an NIL law or executive order. For resources you can share with prospective student-athletes, and the latest on NIL, visit ncaa.org/nil.
For questions outside of the information provided by the NCAA, please refer student-athletes and their families to their on-campus compliance office or their state’s high school athletic association for additional information.
Name, Image and Likeness Interim Policy Q&A
WIAA (Wisconsin Interscholastic Athletic Association) held a special presentation for AD’s and Coaches on September 28, 2023 focused on the Name, Image, Likeness (NIL) movement. They brought in representatives from Advance to educate participants as to what NIL is, some benefits, greater concerns, and general rules being applied across states.
WIAA posted a Powerpoint reiterating Eligibility and Amateur status rules, expanding upon examples of what is and what isn’t allowed, and proposed changes to the bylaws restricting NIL associated activities with schools, conferences, and the WIAA; however, it leaves language to allow for NIL activities outside of school, conference, and WIAA affiliated activities.
Here are the main links on the WIAA website that describe this further
● Amateur Status
● Name Image Likeness
● The WIAA AD & Coaches Webinar (September 2023)
● The WIAA Powerpoint presentation
Coach, Please fill out an evaluation form for each of your athletes and email to the families and copy your Basketball Director/Manager on it so we can keep history for each athlete. Thank you for all your passion and experience you invested into the athletes this season!
Blaze Post Season Evaluation (pdf)
Lisa Van Wyk
(For NCAA Exposure Coaches Only - Due Dec 10th before current season)
If you are a coach who will be attending NCAA sanctioned events you MUST become USA Basketball Gold Certified and complete your profile on the NCAA BBCS Account.
Beginning in 2017, the NCAA made it mandatory that all individuals that engage in coaching activities at an NCAA certified event must obtain a USA Basketball Gold Coach License, and create profile and team bench in the Basketball Certification System PRIOR to participation.
To complete the USA Basketball Gold Coach License Certification program, you will need to do the following:
Access the internet to create an account
Complete the USA Basketball Youth Development Course
Complete the NCAA eligibility course
Complete SafeSport certification
Pass a criminal background check.
A valid credit card is also needed to pay for the USA Basketball Gold Coach License.
To complete the BBCS account, a simple account creation or annual renewal of account is needed.
If you completed your Gold License last year, you need to simply RENEW your existing USAB gold license and NOT obtain a new one. If a coach obtains a new license, then it will not auto-validate in the BBCS and will delay your access to the BBCS. Coaches should allow 3 weeks to process.
USA Basketball charges $58 (if you apply from Sept 1-Dec 31) plus any state or local access fees for each member on your staff that you wish to be seated in the bench area during competition. The base fee goes up to $68 if you apply from Jan 1-March 31, May and June (plus additional background check fees if applicable). The base fee goes up again to $125 if you apply for a background check in an event month (April or July). Once you are approved you are cleared to be on the sidelines from the date of completion through August 31 of each year.
All of the steps below must be completed by all teams in order to participate in an NCAA Certified event. Teams without approved coaches and rosters on the NCAA BBCS will not be allowed to participate in NCAA-certified events.
STEP 1 — Coach obtain USA Basketball Gold License
All Coaches of teams must obtain a USA Basketball Gold Coach License.
This requirement applies to coaches, assistant coaches, and any bench personnel (non-players). Allow 3 weeks for processing. You will not be able to enter your rosters on the new BBCS website (step 2) until you complete this process. Click here for detailed application instructions from USA Basketball (use the link at the bottom of the USA Basketball instruction page to start your application).
Due December 10th before upcoming season in order to get full refund
Must be completed before moving on to the NCAA BBCS step below
Obtain/Renew USAB Gold Coach License
Review Background information for the USAB Gold Coach License
Send your receipt to accounting@blaze365.com if you would like to be refunded
STEP 2 — Coaches Register or Renew their BBCS Account
NEW COACHES REGISTER on the new BBCS: All Coaches and Athletes must create individual accounts on the all-new NCAA BBCS website. Only coaches who have completed the above Step 1 will be allowed to create accounts on the BBCS.
RETURNING COACHES RENEW their previously created BBCS account and NOT create a new account. This is done by logging in to their existing account and updating the information on their profile rather than selecting Register as a New User button.
The NCAA has created an Athlete Guide on their NCAA Certification page you can share with your athletes on how to register on the BBCS.
Obtain/Renew your NCAA BBCS Membership
Send your receipt to accounting@blaze365.com if you would like to be refunded
Review the Enforcement Certification Approvals Group help desk for troubleshooting
The NCAA has created a Virtual Workshop and a Handout you can give to your athletes on how to register on the BBCS.
The NCAA has also provided Coach/Director/Operator short instructional videos as well.
The Director can provide an organization wide BBCS training for all athletes
NCAA ECAG Knowledgebase
NCAA ECAG Contact Page
Review D1 Exposure Event Requirements for all Participants
Understand the Process
Once you create or renew your Coaches BBCS account, please follow the steps below.
a) Fill out personal information including your Gold Coach License # and save
b) Do not check any of the questions in yellow. You are not considered an NCAA coach or sports agent.
c) Read and Accept all of the terms on the main page.
d) Go to the Coaches Tab and Read and Accept all of the terms on the page by selecting the check boxes and clicking on "I Agree."
e) Select "No" you are not financially responsible for your team.
f) Select "Add Organization" and search for "Blaze", select "Blaze" with the Appleton address, select the checkbox acknowledging this is the organization responsible for submitting financial disclosures when the season is over.
g) Select "Confirm and Close" and "Save and Continue."
h) Under the Coach tab and "[current year] Bench" select the arrow drop down to roll open the web part that allows you to enter in the Team
Enter in: Country: USA Street Address: PO Box 7697 City: Appleton State: WI Zip: 54912
Select "Save New Address"
i) Click on "[current year] $ Responsibility" tab, select "NO" you are not financially responsible and select "Save Changes"
j) Click on "Finalize Financial Responsibility" and Select "Finalize"
k) Director will login to the Blaze Business BBCS account and see a request to accept you into the Blaze organization. Director selects "Approve."
l) Director will login to the Personal Blaze BBCS Directors account and under the Coaches tab, roll open the "Add Coaches and Athletes" web part, and search for your name. When it appears, Director selects "Add to Bench."
m) Coach then logs into their BBCS account and under the Coaches/Invitations tab, selects the green button "Accept" to accept the pending invitation.
n) The coach can now be rostered on to the appropriate team(s) in the Directors Personal BBCS page.
STEP 3 — Build Your Team Roster (Will be done by Director)
All coaches must register their teams with the NCAA, which includes coaches' information roster and all events that your team will be attending. This information must be checked off (opt in) in order for you to participate in any open viewing evaluation event. Both of these steps must be completed for ANY AGE team participating in a NCAA Certified Event.
The head coach must invite their assistant coaches and players to be on their roster through the BBCS website.
REMINDER: Teams who have not completed all of the above steps WILL NOT be allowed to participate in NCAA-certified tournaments.
All Coaches must go through Concussion Training and turn in a Certification of Training and Concussion Acknowledgement.
Review the Wisconsin Concussion Law on the WIAA Website
Order the Concussion Course for Coaches for Wisconsin (FREE)
Create your personal account
Complete the Concussion Course for Coaches
Turn in the Certificate of Completion to HR Director/Sport Manager
Fill out and turn in the Coach Concussion Acknowledgement to HR Director/Sport Manager